torsdag 5. februar 2015

Indigo child

                              Indigo child

What are Indigo Children?

Lately many of my friends have asked me who are the Indigo Children? I been wondering how I could break it down in the easiest way. So I started looking after example’s in people. “Indigo Children” is a label like many others. But the word also describe someone different than others. I found two different definitions of the word Indigo Children –

“children with “Indigo” auras, that usually differ from modern society. They are prone to ADD and ADHD diagnoses, however, blind mothers might claim their ADHD as an Indigo to avoid the fact that their child is less than perfect and try to excuse him from making trouble. 

The other definitions: 

“Indigo child – a Peron, usually a teenager or young adult who does not and cannot comply it modern society, who is highly spiritually and is believed to have come here in this time to aid in the transition of the energies of earth in the near future. They tend to be androgynous and have psychic powers, such as clairvoyance. The youngest ae Crystal children witch are about seven and under, but can be older”

 The term indigo child comes from psychic Nancy Ann Tappe, who classifield peoples personalities according to the hue of their auras.

- more to come

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